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They are very young, with a future, and if operated in Kampala would be full of scars
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Surgeons extract del Mundo en el Hula them three tumors Ugandan Youth
Lucia Rey
lugo / iphone 02 November 2013 05:00
" They are three very young girls with future operations that require very aggressive , and if operated in Kampala would be full of scars , marked aesthetically ." So Teresa Rodriguez explains why in. Select Surgeons del Mundo Beatrice , 21 years ; Jovi , 19 , and Ednance , 24 . Arrivals strong su country after an exhausting trip - volaron Entebbe to Amsterdam , and the Allier to La Coruna , Madrid - way , three young Ugandan them if alojan in the Diocesan House of Lugo . Within days unos intervenidas by them will be doctors of the oenegé him in University Hospital Lucus Augusti ( hula ) , where they hope to free him " ameloblastoma " suffering : a tumor in her jaw that creates ahora les pains al Fuertes eat , but if you follow advancing warp completely su face.
Los doctors follow national yendo
After several years without bringing nests Lugo them due to cuts in Aids , Surgeons del Mundo takes a project that has saved the life of one dozen more minor fueron Ugandans who operated it Polusa . Otra de sus spokesmen , Shelter Tejeda , subraya in this tiempo y la contact him have been constant collaboration , and it all five medical community have shifted al Mulago Hospital in Kampala , al least one time al year for operations and contribute to the training of health personnel in this African country , where the means are muy precarious .