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Project "Children of Africa"

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The crown jewel of the surgeons in the world is the project "Children of Africa". Department where the NGOs working in Mulago General Hospital, arrived few children, probably because his condition was very serious and they were stranded in many cases in remote rural regions. The most common diseases that surgeons had seen were temporomandibular ankylosis (a condition that causes the fusion of the jaw to the skull and that leads them to asphyxia and certain death), Burkitt lymphoma, malignant tumors and malformations congéticas almost always were cleft lips and cleft palates. They began to treat these patients in Mulago, through a series of extremely complex operations. In February 2002, starting when they approached an orphanage near his place of residence, clothing and medicine to stop them left over, there's always smiling met Sister. Gertrude Catholic nun in charge of the orphanage in Cheshire. They witnessed how just two nuns and some disabled adults exquisitely cared more than a hundred children with serious illnesses and disabilities. With an impeccable organization is managed to be almost self-sufficient: two cows, pigs, chickens, 5000m2 of land cultivated provided most of the support of these noble people. It was essentially a recovery center for orthopedic surgery also gathered all the children who were in need. Sister. Gertrude thanked having operated some of his children (at the time I did not know) and proposed to operate hundreds of children she could collect rural through contacts with local NGOs. From this chance meeting came one of the most important projects of facial plastic and reconstructive surgery that Spain has children in the third world. His fortune did not end there. Soon, you will know the eminent Dr. Fulvio Franceschi, unit chief of Orthopaedic Surgery Children's Hospital of Mengo and the controller of all the children they had seen. He gave them their operating rooms and medical staff to begin to operate on children with cleft lips and cleft palates and other patients with temporomandibular ankylosis. The intensity of work and the wonderful team of Mengo allowed the culmination of 60 interventions in a week. Since then the charity has divided to meet the two centers, Jose Luis and Alejandro, are specialists in plastic surgery and are almost exclusively dedicated to children, having acquired, based on sweat and blood, a vast experience in this field. Children with ankylosis later joined as operations (of which there was then no acceptable technique published) are extremely difficult and risky, for the extreme conditions of their execution, without means and with very weak children. These operations require the presence of the entire team. The patient's jaw is fused to his skull, stop eating solids, not grow, develop a typical profile of a bird, and finally died in great agony, by asphyxiation and malnutrition. The development of this surgical technique, has been long and costly. Its application, extraordinary results has cured patients and has restored their true face. Finally, with the arrival of Ambrose (one of the only complex fissures, Tessier type 3, which have been treated successfully, started the Children's Craniofacial Surgery unit. Ambrose's face was split in two by a lack of fusion complex gill arches, its monstrous aspect is marginalized to the point that her mother had suggested euthanasia. She firmly believed that the deity would bring a remedy and kept the faith until the end . At 4 years, Ambrose did not come to be aware of the ridicule or suffering marginalization with his family. By not acting, the psychological trauma would be irreversible, and death from the disease safely. The NGO decided to operate projecting an intervention that had not been done before and it was unthinkable to those without experience means a type of surgery that is performed only in highly specialized centers in the U.S. and Europe. Surgery, innovative and daring, given a new face and saved his life, showing that inner strength and desire to overcome patients, doctors, nurses, families and religious, is able to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles, only reserved for the elite of the first world leading technology

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    Gracias por la ayuda ofrecida desinteresadamente.


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