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Surgeons operate del Mundo en el Hula three Ugandan with tumors

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Edinence , Beatriz y Jovi spent hoy su primera noche en la diocesan house of Lugo , where llegarón ayer from Uganda . Them are selected by the Youth NGO Surgeons del Mundo to be operated on him Hula of them jaw tumors that three suffer from them .

It is the fourth edition of the program ' Los niños de Lugo in Africa ' , desarrollada for this local NGO with it apoyo numerous volunteers and some institutions , and has allowed it to operate in the City several nests problems mandibular and facial reconstruction . In this time , will have the generous collaboration of him hula , where Labour them from doctors who will be responsible for operarlas , Juan and Pedro Ferreiro Juiz . " Lo haremos law of schedule trabajo y with a nursing staff and anesthetists volunteer también " explain , " but he gives us Hula them all facilities and sean las pruebas that necessary ." No es la primera time he Lugo hospital collaborates with this NGO , ya otra edition that Heche had charge of a nest al that one time here , read it detects a heart problem that needs surgery .


Olarte / El Progreso ( Lugo )

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